Darul Arqam Educational Trust
To this day Revive is largely supported by the community of Darul Arqam Educational Trust which is ever-expanding with online courses, passing on the knowledge which Shaykh Zaqir inherited in the lands of Shaam! All of our distributions take place under the careful guidance of Shaykh Zaqir in order to ensure your Zakat and Sadaqah distributions are Shariah compliant.
Most of Revive’s operating costs are subsidised by Darul Arqam Trust, including operating from within the premises, cutting the operational costs of Revive to minimal, helping your donations to stretch further. This enables Revive to observe a 100% donation strategy, as whilst it is impossible to run a charity and distribute internationally without costs, Darul Arqam offloads those costs through grants in order to protect the value of the donations to 100% of their original value.
How does Darul Arqam Support Revive?
Darul Arqam disseminates some of its present and future projects through correspondence and e-learning platforms enabling a wider audience to benefit from the light of the Divine Revelation and the Prophetic Guidance. In addition to serving the educational needs of the Muslim population locally and internationally, we plan to offer the wider community of Muslims in England guidance and direction as believers; as a minority in a secular context hoping to fuse the best from Islamic civilisation and the Western civilisation using an Islamic scholarly approach.
Learn More About Darul Arqam Educational Trust
Darul Arqam Educational Trust is established to provide the Muslim community with social, cultural and educational activities to create a sense of identity, moral responsibility, self-reliance, community spirit and to empower alienated groups to play a meaningful part in a multicultural society. CLICK HERE to find out more!