What Miracles occurred around the time of Jesus' AS Birth?
Shaking of the Palm Tree
When Mary (Mariam AS) was in the state of labor, she heard a voice from below her telling her to shake the palm tree in order to give her dates, to help strengthen her through the labor. Firstly, it is unfathomable that a woman in a state of labor, in immense pain would be able to shake a palm tree so mighty. A strong man in a state of strength would not be able to do this. Yet, Mariam was able to do this from the base of the tree where the trunk is at it’s strongest. Secondly, the voice in which she heard from below her, came from Jesus (Isa AS) who she was giving birth to. So it was her unborn son from within her womb, who gave her the inspiration for this.
And shake the trunk of the palm tree toward you, you will cause ripe dates to fall upon thee"
Qur'an 19:25 Tweet
The Devil Didn't Touch Him
Once Jesus was born, he didn’t cry as babies usually do. The reason healthy babies usually cry when born is due to the devil pricking them. However, Mary and Jesus were protected from the pricking of the devil.
No child is given birth to, but the devil pricks it so that it weeps due to the pricking of the devil, except Maryam and her son.”
The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ - Sahih Muslim Tweet
Jesus AS Spoke as a Newborn
After giving birth to Jesus AS Mary AS took an oath of silence. Upon walking home, when the townspeople saw Mary with her newborn son, taken by surprise, they questioned her. Having taken an oath of silence Mary pointed to Jesus AS.
Then she pointed to him. They said, How can we talk to one who is in the cradle, an infant?.”
Qur'an 19:29 Tweet
Jesus AS as a newborn baby responded to this!
CLICK HERE to read more about Jesus’ AS birth according to The Qur’an!
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