
What should you do in The Month of Safar?

What is the Month of Safar?

Following the Month of Muharram on the Hijri calendar, the Month of Safar is a month in which was feared by pre-Islamic Arabs for containing evil omens. Traditionally, it is believed by the righteous that tribulations for the rest of the year descends and are spread throughout the year, in the same way that Allah sends down Risq in the month of Shabaan.

Is there evil in The Month of Safar?

The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said in regards to the month of Safar:

“There is no Safar.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Through this the falsehood of pre-Islamic superstitions were disproved. Furthermore, through this The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ is teaching the Ummah that it is only Allah who can bring us benefit or inflict us with harm. Therefore, a specific time of year can not be regarded as evil. Rather, any time of year can be a calamity for us if we turn away from Allah! It is not the timing of the disobedience but rather, disobedience to Allah in itself which brings is a calamity.

What should I do in The Month of Safar?

By carrying out good deeds in the month if Safar, calamities are deflected. As it’s traditionally believed that calamities descend on the last Wednesday of Safar, in many Muslim communities, worshippers gather and supplicate together. By joining together in acts of worship, where no disobedience to Allah is taking place, it is hoped that calamities are deflected and blessings are earned by praising Allah Most High.

Sadaqah is the most beloved of good deeds which extinguishes the wrath of Allah, The All Merciful. Donate sadaqah generously during this month in order to earn the blessings of Allah.